"I closed my eyes to look inward and found a universe waiting to be explored"
~Yung Pueblo

I feel so very grateful that I have been able to pursue the work I have, for as long as I have, and that I have gotten to go where my curiosity leads me. I have spent the past 20 years as an acupuncturist gathering a pretty big tool bag, and do my best to choose and apply the right combination of tools for you on any given day. Your treatments might include working with acupuncture, gentle hands-on work, body-based meditation practices, cupping, guasha, moxabustion, E-stim, essential oils, flower essences, dreamwork, etc.
I am uniquely suited, because of my background and training, to work with orthopedic issues; repetitive strain issues, acute and chronic injuries, and post-surgical support, and I have done that, happily, for the last 20 years. But I also love opening up the conversation and building a relationship with you, over time, in aims of supporting your more intrinsic, embodied self to emerge. My goal is always to support you in becoming more authentically……..you.